Johnson County Democratic Women South Bylaws
Article I
The caucus, Johnson County Democratic Women South, is a political action committee hereinafter known as “JCDWS”.
- Encouraging more active citizen participation in the Democratic Party
- Offering educational experiences in the political process and current issues
- Encouraging full participation of women at every level of the Democratic Party
- Taking an active role in providing financial assistance to Democratic candidates
Article II
Section I:
- An Active Member is eligible to vote if she:
- Identifies as a female and;
- Is registered as a Democrat and;
- Is current with annual dues
Section 2: An Associate Member does not have voting privileges and is not counted toward delegate votes at any county, district, state or national meeting, and:
- Does not identify as a female and;
- Is registered as a Democrat and;
- Is current with annual dues
Section 3: A Student Membership is umbrellaed under Section 1 and Section 2, above with same privileges.
Section 4: A Lifetime (Honorary) Membership may be conferred upon a person who identifies as female and exemplifies Democratic Party ideals. Nominations can be made by any JCDWS Active or Lifetime member. The Board will review the nomination and propose recommendations to the JCDWS members at a regularly scheduled general membership meeting for a vote. This membership does not require dues but does have voting privileges.
Article III
Officers and Duties
Section 1: The Board is the governing body of JCDWS.
- The Board shall consist of the:
- President
- Vice President of Programming
- Vice President of Fundraising
- Vice President of Membership & Retention
- Vice President of Communications
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Each officer shall serve for a term of two years.
- Active and Lifetime members in good standing as defined in Article II above may vote for JCDWS officers.
- Officers must attend two-thirds (⅔) of the Board meetings.
- The Board shall be the administrative body of JCDWS and will have the power and authority to perform all acts and functions consistent with the bylaws.
- Delegates to all conventions shall be appointed by the Board.
- Delegates to the Congressional District Democratic Women and Kansas Federation of Democratic Women State conventions will abide by their respective bylaws.
- Each Officer may be asked to perform additional duties at the behest of the President or a Vice President.
- Each Officer may form a committee to assist with her duties.
- Should an Officer require a period of absence, the Board may choose to cover that officer’s absence temporarily or seek a permanent replacement at their discretion.
- Prior to election or appointment, each Officer shall be given a copy of their expected duties.
- By acceptance of nomination or appointment, each candidate or Officer states willingness to learn and use the technological platforms chosen by the majority of the Board.
- Each Officer shall assist with following up with lapsed members.
Section 2: The President is an elected position.
The nominee for President must be an Active or Lifetime member who identifies as female.
The President shall:
- Preside at all meetings of the JCDWS Board and membership.
- Exhibit the ideals of the JCDWS caucus at all times including, but not limited to, the purposes and goals of JCDWS.
- Maintain strict confidentiality standards.
- Maintain at least one (1) Board position with a person qualified and proficient in the use of technological platforms used by the Board to ensure the integrity of all data and its use.
- Website management may be outsourced as necessary.
- Learn proficient use of all platforms and methods of technology used to maintain financial and membership information.
- Establish and maintain security access levels to all platforms.
- May represent JCDWS at meetings of:
- Johnson County Democratic Party
- Third District Democratic Women
- Kansas Federation of Democratic Women
- Be offered JCDWS funds to attend the annual KFDW convention as approved by the Board.
The President may:
- Appoint someone to fill a vacant board position with the approval of the Board.
- Assign additional tasks to Officers.
- Appoint a representative to attend a function in her place.
Section 3: The Vice Presidents are elected. They shall preside in the absence of the President and perform the duties of the President, if warranted.
The nominees for Vice Presidents must be Active or Lifetime members who identify as female.
The Vice Presidents shall:
- Exhibit the ideals of the JCDWS caucus at all times in public and private attendances, including, but not limited to, the purposes and goals of JCDWS while representing JCDWS.
- Maintain strict confidentiality standards.
- Learn proficient use of all platforms and methods of technology.
The Vice Presidents may:
- Establish and maintain security access levels to all platforms.
- Appoint Board positions in absence of or in collaboration with the President, with the approval of the Board.
- Be assigned other duties by the President.
Section 3A: The Vice President of Programming will additionally:
- Invite and arrange for speakers and;
- Schedule speakers at least two (2) months in advance of the meeting and;
- Obtain topic, bio, and picture of the speaker(s) and;
- Publish topical and speaker information to the shared Cloud website or database chosen by the Board and;
- Provide information requested by the Communications V.P. and;
- Verify the speaker’s attendance two (2) weeks prior to the event and;
- Ensure the speaker’s meal is paid and;
- Greet and introduce the speaker(s) at our meetings and;
- Follow up with a thank you note after the meeting.
Section 3B: The Vice President of Membership will additionally:
- Maintain the membership roster and meeting attendance documents on the shared Cloud website or database of choice chosen by a vote of the Board and;
- Communicate with new members and guests within the first week following their application to JCDWS or attending our meeting and;
- Assist the President in activities related to recruiting and maintaining members and;
- Prepare and send, with assistance from the President and/or Vice President, an annual letter to membership in regard to annual membership renewal to all members and;
- Follow up with members that have not renewed each year on their intention to renew within a month of registration lapsing.
Section 3C: The Vice President of Fundraising will additionally:
- Provide ideas and shepherd all fundraising initiatives and;
- Appoint fundraising committee members and;
- Work closely with the Treasurer to monitor and deposit all expenditures and income accrued for JCDWS at fundraising events and;
- Assist the Treasurer in gathering information necessary to compile all incoming and outgoing reports to the State of Kansas.
Section 3D: The Vice President of Communications will additionally:
- Collaborate with all other chairs on proofreading official communications and correspondence and;
- Coordinate with website management to maintain current and accurate information and;
- Distribute content including, but not limited to:
- Information about regularly scheduled and special meetings and;
- Special events including fundraising activities and;
- Monitor and respond or forward as appropriate:
- Communications sent to the email account and;
- Messages sent on social media and;
- Communications sent by any other electronic means and;
- Create JCDWS logos and graphics and;
- Assist other V.P.s as necessary and;
- Oversee the consistent update of events on the JCDWS calendar.
Section 4: The Secretary is an elected position. The nominee for Secretary must be an Active or Lifetime member who identifies as female.
The Secretary will:
- Record the minutes of all regularly scheduled Board and JCDWS membership meetings.
- Prepare official correspondence of JCDWS.
- Maintain records of votes taken by JCDWS.
- Notify the website manager of necessary changes to Board positions.
- Maintain and post all records in the shared Cloud storage website or database chosen by a vote of the Board.
- Keep all records in such a manner that they can be transferred to the succeeding Secretary when the incumbent’s term of office is completed.
- Assist the Membership V.P. with the preparation of the Annual Membership Renewal letter.
- Reports generated by the Treasurer are the responsibility of the Treasurer, but the Secretary may fulfill such requests in coordination with and approval of the Treasurer.
Section 5: The Treasurer is an elected position. The nominee for Treasurer must be an Active or Lifetime member who identifies as female.
The Treasurer will:
- Document and receipt all money received by JCDWS according to procedures agreed upon by the Board.
- Monitor and record all contributions both monetary and in-kind.
- Provide proper documentation and/or approved budget for all disbursements:
- All requests for reimbursement must be submitted to the Treasurer with supporting documentation of receipt or expense report.
- All purchases over $50 require Board approval unless specified per contractual agreement listed in item (d) below.
- All checks over $250 will require two (2) signatures which shall be from elected JCDWS Officers.
- Dues will be paid per contractual agreement to:
- Kansas Federation of Democratic Women.
- Membership database software service provider.
- Ethics Commission annual fee.
- Any other contract entered by JCDWS.
- Provide a check for the speaker’s meal at the general membership meetings.
- Maintain bank accounts for JCDWS:
- Bank accounts will list at least two (2) additional cosignatories which shall be elected Officers.
- All monies will be deposited in the name of Johnson County Democratic Women South.
- File all reports, documentation, and statements on time, to include ethics reports, KFDW reports, and all other reports required by law and requested by the Board:
- These shall be uploaded and shared on the Cloud website or database of choice chosen by a vote of the Board.
- Monitor and respond to the email account.
Treasurer will produce:
- A monthly Treasurer’s Report to the Board which will be available to the membership, at annual meetings, and upon request by current members and;
- Records of payment of membership dues for the Membership V.P. upon request and;
- Monthly Treasurer’s Report for the period will be presented at the Board meeting and will include:
- The beginning balances
- Income
- Expenses
- The ending balances
- Upcoming expenditures
- An annual line-item budget, due at the annual planning meeting, to determine variance and establish next year’s budget and;
- Documentation for any audit as requested by the Board or the President and;
- All reports required by the State of Kansas.
Section 6: The Past President is the female who served the immediately preceding position of the President.
The Past President will:
- Council the Advisory Committee and Board and;
- Serve in any capacity on the Board appointed by the President or Vice President and;
- Optionally attend board meetings and;
- Be the tie-breaking vote if necessary.
Section 7: An Officer may be removed, without cause, as determined by a two-thirds vote of the Board present at any meeting at which there is a quorum. In addition, any member of the Board may be removed for a substantial cause by the majority vote of the membership present at any Membership Meeting at which there is a quorum. Substantial cause shall include any act of embezzlement, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, dishonesty, deliberate or reported disregard of the policies and rules of JCDWS, our sister organizations, and/or our parent organizations as adopted by the Officers of JCDWS, gross negligence adversely impacting the JCDWS, failure to participate in the activities of the board, willful breach of this Agreement, or any other willful misconduct.
Article IV
Section 1: Following the election, the newly established Board will convene with the previous Board for a Planning Meeting within two (2) weeks.
- This meeting must include a quorum of four (4) current Officers and should include the previous Officers to ensure succession.
- The Board shall review, amend if necessary, and publish the JCDWS candidate endorsement policy.
- The incoming President will present a vision for her tenure.
- The Vice President of Fundraising will present a draft of her fundraising vision and a projected budget and revenue.
- The Vice President of Membership and Vice President of Communication will present, in conjunction, their goals for growing the caucus and a budget with projected revenue.
- The Treasurer will present the current Monthly Treasurer’s Report with Operations, Fundraising, and upcoming expenses detailed.
- The outgoing Treasurer must submit a budget for the upcoming year, by providing current operational bank balances, expected incoming revenues, and proposed expenditures for the fiscal year (January 1 through December 31). The incoming Board approves the annual budget.
Section 2: The newly installed Board must receive team training on Nonprofit Board Governance, Ethics and Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Date shall be set at the Planning Meeting.
Section 3: The Advisory Committee will be chaired by the Past President.
The Advisory Committee shall:
- Be comprised of representatives from other Democratic caucuses and/or Nonprofits that demonstrate Democratic ideals and;
- Be asked to serve a term of one (1) year and;
- Give confidential input concerning the workings of JCDWS organization and;
- Be encouraged to make recommendations for improvement.
Section 4: Additional committees may be created and appointed as deemed necessary.
- Committee positions are appointed, not elected, but do require Board consensus.
- Committee chairpersons may be Active or Lifetime members of either JCDW (North or South) caucus as defined in Article II above or;
- Committee chairperson positions may include members of Kansas Federation of Democratic Women (KFDW) or other Democratic women’s caucuses.
- Committees may be staffed, but not chaired by Associate members as defined in Article II above.
Article V
Section 1: Board Meetings
- Board meetings may be in person or by call or video conference.
- Special Meetings may be called by the President as deemed necessary or by written petition of at least two (2) members of the Board.
- A 72-hour notice is required.
- The President and/or a Vice President must be in attendance to constitute a Board meeting.
- The Board must have a quorum of at least four (4) Officers to proceed with a meeting and;
- The Board shall follow the procedures set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, also referred to as “Robert’s Rules of Order”, and may utilize the website for assistance.
Section 2: General Membership Meetings
- JCDWS Meetings will be held monthly.
- Meeting dates, and formats, and venues may be changed by a simple majority of the Officers.
- A vote at a monthly JCDWS general membership meeting will pass with a simple majority (greater than fifty percent) of the JCDWS Active and Lifetime Members present.
- Secretary will make absentee ballot provisions available upon request.
Section 3: Annual Membership Meeting
- An Annual Membership Meeting must be held in January, at a time and place determined by the Board.
- The Secretary will be responsible for issuing the official written call to all members in good standing fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.
- Elections will be held at this meeting (see Article VII).
- Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the procedures.
- The outgoing President will give a summary of her tenure.
- Any board member appointed to fill a vacant board position in the previous year and/or an acting president, shall be confirmed at this meeting to serve out the reminder of the term.
Article VI
Section 1: Terms of Office
- All Board positions are for a two (2) year term.
- In odd-numbered years, JCDWS shall hold the election for President, VP of Communications, VP Fundraising, and Secretary.
- In even-numbered years, JCDWS shall hold the election for VP of Programming, VP Membership and Treasurer.
Section 2: The Nominating Committee shall be an ad hoc committee and consist of no less than three (3) Active or Lifetime members. The President will appoint the chair with the advice and consent of the Board.
Duties of the Nominating Committee:
- Compile a list of names of all nominated officers and;
- Verify the nominees are:
- Active or Lifetime members and;
- Qualified for President under the criteria set forth in Article III, Section 2, or;
- Qualified for Vice President under the criteria set forth in Article III, Section 3.
- Publish a slate of candidates to the eligible voting membership at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the Annual Meeting.
Section 3: Nominations
- Nominations for any JCDWS office may be made from the floor by any Active or Lifetime member present.
Section 4: Election Procedures
- The President shall appoint a member who is not on the Board nor a nominee to conduct the election.
- The Election Conductor will be provided a written copy of the Election Procedures.
- The Election Conductor shall appoint two (2) members who are not on the Board nor nominees to count the votes.
- Votes shall be counted if there is more than one (1) candidate.
- Eligible voters must be present to vote.
- The Secretary and Vice President of Membership shall conduct credentialing procedures as the membership arrives.
- Only Active and Lifetime members as defined in Article II may vote.
- The Secretary shall give each eligible voter a ballot for each possible election.
- Each position shall be voted upon individually in the order of procession listed above.
- The Election Conductor shall conduct the election by secret ballot.
- The President shall announce the results.
- The Secretary shall record.
Article VII
Section 1: All proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be sent to the Board who will present to the Board for review and action if deemed necessary.
- Proposed amendments to the bylaws will be provided to Active and Lifetime members at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the vote.
- Proposed amendments to the bylaws require a simple majority (greater than fifty percent) vote of the Active and Lifetime members in attendance at the scheduled meeting.
The above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the bylaws of Johnson County Democratic Women South adopted at the meeting held on the 18th day of February in the year 2021.