As a women’s advocacy organization, we endorse and support candidates that elevate and advance women’s issues. Recommendations for a JCDW South endorsement and/or contribution will be made by a committee appointed by the president, then approved by the JCDW South Board after the primary.
General Election Criteria from JCDW South Candidate Endorsement Policy
- Must be a registered Democrat.
- Must be pro-choice & support equality.
- Must have an organized campaign. Such as having canvassed/called, recruited volunteers, and/or begun raising money in earnest.
- Must have attended and given a stump speech at a JCDW South event.
- Must have respectful and civil communication at all venues, especially social media, from candidate/campaign. This is required to earn and retain a JCDW South endorsement.
- Must have filled out the JCDW Endorsement Form available on the website.
To receive a campaign contribution you must be a member or an associate member.
- Must meet all of the criteria for endorsement.
- Membership must be purchased by two weeks after the filing deadline.
- Candidates may NOT use campaign funds for membership per the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission.
For questions please email