Greetings Candidates!

Johnson County Democratic Women thank you for your service and willingness to run for public office. We appreciate you as you face a challenging but important race. 

We champion your campaign! Our primary mission is to elect as many Johnson County Democratic Candidates as possible. Our members are passionate and engaged political activists who donate personal time, money, resources, and talent to help candidates in their races. We are energized and want to volunteer for your campaigns.

We welcome and encourage you to attend our North and South caucus meetings and events to give stump speeches, request donations, and recruit volunteers.

As independent PACs, North and South JCDW each hold fundraisers throughout the year to obtain funds to donate to candidates like you. We are always happy to see candidates at our fundraisers! We know these fundraisers cut into a candidate’s canvass and call times. We very much appreciate the time you take to attend.

Candidate General Election Criteria form JCDW Candidate Endorsement Policy, all candidates:

  • Must be a registered Democrat
  • Must be pro-choice & support equality
  • Must have an organized campaign (such as having canvassed, recruited volunteers, and/or begun raising money in earnest).
  • Must have attended and given a stump speech at a JCDW North or South event.
  • Must have respectful and civil communication at all venues, including all social media platforms, from candidate & their campaign. This is required to earn and retain a JCDW North of South endorsement.

To receive a campaign contribution, you:

Must meet all of the criteria for endorsement.

  • Must fill out the JCDW Endorsement Form 
  • Must be a member or an associate member.
  • Membership must be purchased no later June 30th.Candidates may NOT use campaign funds for membership per the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission. Annual memberships are $40.

Membership can be purchased on the  website

Preference is given to women candidates but men who support our positions on women’s issues will also be considered. Amount of contribution is dependent on the election cycle with a separate budget for both North and South JCDW Caucuses. Recommendations for JCDW endorsements and/or contribution amount will be made by separate committees appointed by the presidents, then approved by each JCDW Board. If more than one qualified Democrat is running for the same nonpartisan office; each North and South JCDW Executive Board will determine endorsement and/or contribution.

Candidate endorsements and/or contributions will be determined after the primary. As a Women’s advocacy organization, we endorse and support candidates that elevate and advance women’s issues.

Candidates and campaigns, please keep discussions and opinions, especially on social media, respectful and civil to be considered for and to retain JCDW endorsements.

For questions please email


Johnson County Dem Women North or South

Endorsement Form: 


Kansas Federation of Democratic Women Endorsement Form: