This Month at JCDW

Social: Thursday, February  6th

  • Join us at 6:00 to socialize with like-minded Democrats. 
  • We’ll be at The Bar (5316 W 95th Street, Prairie Village, KS 66207)

Chair Yoga: Thursday, February 20th 

  • Following up on our theme this year of “Self-Care” we will have Chair Yoga.   Join us at 6:00 to socialize or at 6:30 for the program  with our newest board member, Tracy Styer (VP of Communication). 
    • I’m Tracy Styer, a Johnson County resident since 1974, a wife, and a mom to two grown daughters—one in Olathe, the other in Seattle. My life has been a testament to the idea of being a ‘Jack of all trades.’ I’ve navigated the complexities of IT as a systems engineer and then transitioned to the rewarding field of occupational therapy as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant. It’s quite a shift, but I’ve always enjoyed learning and adapting to new challenges.

  • We’ll be at Black Bear Diner (11981 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062) 

 Game Night is back, BABY!  

JCDW’s annual winter fundraiser, Game Night, is happening on Saturday, February 22nd from 6-9 pm at Shawnee Mission Unitarian Universalist Church. Get your tickets and mark your calendars, because getting Democrats elected in Johnson County has never been so much fun!

Our theme this year is self-care, and what better way to care for ourselves than to gather around a table to laugh, learn, and show off our mad skills? Whether you’re a serious trivia nerd or a casual party gamer, we’ve got you covered with games like Cards Against Humanity, Bezzerwizzer, Cranium, Who’s the G.O.A.T.?, Taboo, and more.


Tickets are $25 for members, $30 for nonmembers, $15 for students. All proceeds go toward electing Democrats in this year’s elections, so additional donations are always welcome!  

Get Tickets  Now


We held our JCDW Board Elections this January and I have been re-elected as the President of JCDW.  First I want to thank you all for your trust.  I’m hoping to continue, with your help, the good work of educating women to run for office. 

Second, I want to thank ALL the board members.  We’ve elected Christine Morgan as Secretary (previously appointed to fill a vacancy), re-elected Juliet Sinclair as VP of Programs and have JUST elected Tracy Styer as VP of Communication!  🫶👏👏👏👏💪💙

 We look forward to working with motivated women across the county as we continue our work of electing Democrats in Johnson County! 


Other Ways to Join Johnson County Democrats in January 

  • February 8th – 9-11AM JOCO Saturday Breakfast Meeting at Sylvester Powell Community Center
  • Febuary 16th – 5-7PM – Northeast JOCO Sunday Social at Friction Beer Company, 11018 Johnson Dr, Shawnee, KS 66203, 
  • February 23 – 6-8PM – Southwest JOCO Sunday Social at BBs on K7 at Santa Fe 

About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women is part of the  Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women

Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

Donate Today

Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!

This Month at JCDW

Social: Thursday, January 2nd

  • Join us at 6:00 to socialize with like-minded Democrats. 
  • We’ll be at The Bar (5316 W 95th Street, Prairie Village, KS 66207)

Elections & Planning: Thursday, January 16th 

  • Join us at 6:00 to socialize or at 6:30 for Board Elections
    • You must be an Active  Member of JCDW to vote.
    • Any Active member may nominate someone from the floor (with a second)
    • Current nominees are:
      • President: Cassie Woolworth
      • VP of Communications: Tracy styer
      • VP of Fundraising: Juliet Sinclair
      • Secretary: Christine Morgan
  • Members, bring your ideas to our 2025 strategy session. What do you want to see from JCDW in the coming year? 
  • We’ll be at Black Bear Diner ((11981 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062) )

Mark Your Calendars!

Tickets are $25 for members, $30 for nonmembers, $15 for students. All proceeds go toward electing Democrats in future elections, so additional donations are always welcome!  


Get Tickets  Now


Johnson County Democratic Women is Now ONE Organization 

As of October 28, 2024, Johnson County Democratic Women North has merged into Johnson County Democratic Women South, making us one fully united organization. If you were a member of either group, you are now a member of JCDW (no need to make any changes). We will continue to host a social on the first Thursday of the month in the northern part of the county and a meeting/program on the third Thursday of the month in Olathe. We look forward to working with motivated women across the county as we continue our work of electing Democrats in Johnson County! 


Other Ways to Join Johnson County Democrats in January 

  • CORRECTION – JANUARY 12th – Southwest JOCO Sunday Social at BBs on K7 at Santa Fe from 6-8 PM
  • January 11th – JOCO Saturday Breakfast Meeting from 9-11 am at Sylvester Powell Community Center

About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women is part of the  Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women

Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

Donate Today

Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!


Johnson County Democratic Women 

JCDW SOCIAL – Thursday, November 7th at The Bar (5316 W 95th Street, Prairie Village, KS 66207)

  • Join us to socialize and celebrate our wins! 

JCDW Celebration/Looking ahead 2024 – Thursday, November 21st at Black Bear Diner ((11981 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062) )

  • Join us to socialize and celebrate our wins! 

Johnson County Democratic Women is now ONE organization! 


As of October 28, 2024, Johnson County Democratic Women North has merged into Johnson County Democratic Women South, making us one fully united organization. If you were a member of either group, you are now a member of JCDW (no need to make any changes). We will continue to host a social on the first Thursday of the month in the northern part of the county and a meeting/program on the third Thursday of the month in Olathe. We look forward to working with motivated women across the county as we continue our work of electing Democrats in Johnson County! 

Get out and Vote!

If you haven’t already, it is time to vote. And as a special bonus, the sooner you vote, the sooner your name falls off of phone and text bank lists! 

Join us in November/December to celebrate and cap off the year in style


  • Volunteer Appreciation  6:00 pm Sunday Nov 3rd at Fiorella’s Event Space, 9000 W 137th St, Overland Park, 66221
  • 2nd Saturday Breakfast  9:00 am Saturday Nov 9th  at Sylvester Powell Jr. Community Center, 6200 Martway St, Mission, 66202
  • The DEMMY’S with Senator Cindy Holscher 6 pm Tuesday Nov 12th, location TBD.  To get on the list – email Jessica at 
  • Southwest JOCO Sunday Social 6pm December 1st at BB’s in Olathe on 7 highway.

There will be no social nor meetings in December – HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

We will resume conquering on January 2nd, 2024

at The Bar in Prairie Village 6-8

About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women is part of the  Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women

Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

Become a Member

Membership Form

Donate Today!

Act Blue Link

JCDW Calendar < – Link to the JCDW Calendar so you will be up to date on all the Events 



We are the Johnson County Democratic Women

We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.


Johnson County Democratic Women North and Johnson County Democratic Women South are merging into one organization! 

The Johnson County Democratic Party is spreading all through Johnson County and winning races everywhere!  Becoming one organization will help us work all through the county and support all our wonderful candidates.

Effective immediately, the membership and donation link on Act Blue for North will automatically be directed to South.  You have always been a member of both organizations when you join either one, and that will not change.  Your membership date will not change, and your membership will not need to be renewed until the year is up from your existing membership date.  For example, if you joined North in April 2024, you will not need to renew in the merged JCDW until April 2025.  Same goes for South membership.

Effective soon, the boards will adjust members and officers, and start working as one board with Cassie Woolworth as president.  Thank you Cassie!  We will also be discussing our name to see what best describes us now.  We will keep you informed as that happens.



PLEASE JOIN US AT BOTH ( Like you always could!)

 – Dawn Olney



List of excellent candidates who are capible, compassionate, and committed.  

JCDWs Endorsements

This WILL BE the year we BREAK the SUPER MAJORITY!




Thursday October 3, 2024 We’re having a SOCIAL at The Bar 5316 W 95th Street, Prairie Village, KS 66207.

Come, drink, dine, and socialize with other like-minded Dems.  Help us plan our path to win ALL THE RACES. 🍻

Candidates are welcome to bring materials to display/hand out.  Each person will order and pay for their own meal and drinks.



Thursday October 17, 2024

Come at 6:00 pm to socialize or at 6:30 pm for the meeting. 

Location: Black Bear Diner (11981 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062) 

In September we’re having a Social at Black Bear Diner from 6-8 pm Help us plan our path to win ALL THE RACES. 🍻

Candidates will have two minutes to deliver stump speeches. 

There will be no ZOOM.

Carla Smocks, Executive Coach and Consultant,


for educating us on the long-lasting solutions that enable women to break the cycle of poverty and how we can assist. 

Get Involved with Dress for Success/Keisha’s Closet!

We are the one’s we have been waiting for. 

JCDW Calendar < – Link to the JCDW Calendar so you will be up to date on all the Events 

About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women are part of the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women.   Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates.  Membership is only $40 per year.  


Join JCDW 

Act Blue Link


Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!


We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South

We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.


North Monthly Meeting

ATTENTION – JCDW North is moving its meeting place for September only!  

Thursday September 5th, 2024 and (as usual) and there is a Chiefs game that day.  
We figure The Bar will be crowded and loud. 

We will meet at the Democratic Office, 8971 W 75th Street, Overland Park KS 66204,  6:00 – 7:00 bring your own food and drink and we can chat.  There is a Panera and Dos Reales restaurants in the same parking lot as the office. 


We will have post cards to write for Ethan Corson, Senate 7 incumbent running for reelection.  Chiefs game starts at 7:20 so that should give us time to get home for it.

Candidates are welcome to bring materials to display/hand out.  


South Monthly Meeting

Thursday September 19th, 2024

Come at 6:00 pm to socialize or at 6:30 pm for the meeting. 

Location: Black Bear Diner (11981 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062) 

In September we welcome Carla Smocks from Dress for Success, Keisha’s Closet. 

Carla Smocks, Executive Coach and Consultant,

Their purpose is to offer long-lasting solutions that enable women to break the cycle of poverty. Dress for Success is part of a global movement for change, empowering women to obtain safer and better futures.

Carla Smocks has dedicated over 35 years of her career to public service as a civil servant for the U.S. Government. After her retirement, in honor of her late daughter Keisha, Carla is an Ambassador and Board member for Connections to Success and Dress for Success, Keisha’s Closet, where she continues her commitment to empowering individuals and fostering community success

Candidates will have two minutes to deliver stump speeches. 

There will be no ZOOM.



We have excellent candidates who are capible, compassionate, and committed.  

JCDW North & South Endorsements

This WILL BE the year we BREAK the SUPER MAJORITY!



Johnson County Democratic Women North needs a treasurer and president!  We have a hardworking board to support each other and we work very well together! Duties for the president consist mainly of coordinating the board members and coordinating with JCDW South, which also has an amazing board of dedicated workers!  It can be low- tech if that’s what you want.  The treasurer position consists of maintaining records of income and outflow of money, paying bills, and sending ethics reports to the state and national organizations.

Please let us know ASAP if you are interested in either of these positions so we can transition to new leadership.  Contact Dawn Olney to see what it entails.


for sharing her story and helping all of us understand a bit more.  You were warm, welcoming, and wonderful! We learned there is never a better time to decide to be Enthusiastically YOU!   


Johnson County Democratic Party SOCIALS!!

Don’t forget to mark your calendars and get involved with the

JOCO Democrats.


It’s where all the cool JOCO peeps come to mingle 

We are the one’s we have been waiting for. 

JCDW Calendar < – Link to the JCDW Calendar so you will be up to date on all the Events 

About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women
Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

All $$ Goes to Democrats running in Johnson County

JCDW South

Act Blue Link

JCDW North

Act Blue Link

Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!




We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South

We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.

North Monthly Meeting

Thursday August 1st, 2024

We’re having a SOCIAL at The Bar 5316 W 95th Street, Prairie Village, KS 66207.

Come, drink, dine, and socialize with other like-minded Dems.  Help us plan our path to win ALL THE RACES. 🍻

Candidates are welcome to bring materials to display/hand out.  


Each person will order and pay for their own meal and drinks.


Early Voting is OPEN NOW!

South Monthly Meeting

Thursday August 15, 2024

Come at 6:00 pm to socialize or at 6:30 pm for the meeting. 

Location: Black Bear Diner (11981 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062) 

In August we welcome Hazel Krebs.  Ms. Krebs has penned a book, Enthusiastically Me, to teach us how to become our authentic selves.

Candidates will get 2 minutes to speak to friendlies and are welcome to bring materials to display or hand out. 


Johnson County Democratic Women North needs a president!  We have a wonderful, hardworking board to support you and do the heavy lifting for the organization.  The main duty is coordinating the board members and coordinating with JCDW South, which also has an amazing board of dedicated workers! It can be low-tech if that’s what you want.  Please let us know ASAP if you are interested in coordinating this organization so we can transition to new leadership.  Contact Dawn Olney to see what it entails.

We Raised $10,000!

Flip it Blue is Back!

Thanks to all of our lovely members and supporters, we raised $10,000 from Flip it Blue (based on preliminary numbers). This money will go to Democrats running in Johnson County, and will help us win in November.

But the race isn’t over yet! We will be handing out checks later this month, and further donations can help us donate the maximum amount to all the candidates. 

Will you donate $100, $50, $25 today? 

Donate to JCDW South


This WILL BE the year we BREAK the SUPER MAJORITY!



We will be endorsing our lovely JOCO candidates in August. 

TO ALL ALL CANDIDATES – please reference the Endorsement Criteria.  As you know, filling in the Endorsement Form is mandatory.


L👀K at what’s up in


(might need to take a drive south on 1-35 soon)


Group of canvassers posing for a photo


Connecting new volunteers with experienced canvassers

helps to create social connections and cohesion in our organization. 

Everyone should attend the canvassing training – at least to know how we are talking to residents of JOCO and maybe to refine how you approach your friends and relatives as well.   If we want to collect valid and reliable data, we need to standardize our data collection methods across Senate Districts. 
Canvass Training Dates:

Saturday, August 3, 2-4 PM 
Saturday, September 14, 2-4 PM
Monday, August 19, 5:30-7PM

Central Resource Library, Carmack Room

Sign Up Here

A big THANK YOU to Allison Hougland and  Linda Featherstone (our judges) and all the candidates that came out to Candidate Conversations.  We honed our 2 minutes and doorbell speeches.  



Johnson County Democratic Party SOCIALS!!

Don’t forget to mark your calendars and get involved with the

JOCO Democrats.

It’s where all the cool JOCO peeps come to mingle 

We are the one’s we have been waiting for. 

JCDW Calendar < – Link to the JCDW Calendar so you will be up to date on all the Events 

About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women
Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

All $$ Goes to Democrats running in Johnson County

JCDW South

Act Blue Link

JCDW North

Act Blue Link

Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!

We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South

We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.

North Monthly Meeting

Thursday July 4th 

Don’t forget, no JCDW North meeting in July!  Celebrate our great country on July 4!  And then roll up your sleeves and let’s get back to work perfecting our union!

South Monthly Meeting

Thursday July 18, 2024

Location: Black Bear Diner (11981 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062) 

Candidate Conversations – it starts with 2 minutes!

Attention all candidates! 

On July 18th,  elected officials will be available to help you fine tune your stump speeches and nail that doorbell camera. Friendly Democrats will be there to cheer you on, too, with the goal of helping you WIN in November!

Attention Friendly Democrats!

Come join us on July 18th to cheer on candidates working on essential public speaking skills. Together, we can lift them up and help them soar. 


Johnson County Democratic Women North needs a president!  We have a wonderful, hardworking board to support you and do the heavy lifting for the organization.  The main duty is coordinating the board members and coordinating with JCDW South, which also has an amazing board of dedicated workers! It can be low-tech if that’s what you want.  Please let us know ASAP if you are interested in coordinating this organization so we can transition to new leadership.  Contact Dawn Olney to see what it entails.

Flip it Blue 

Flip it Blue is Back!

When: Sunday, July 21st from 4-8 PM

Where: Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park and West 87th Street Parkway, Lackman Rd, Lenexa, KS 66215

Get Tickets Now

This is the year we BREAK the supermajority in Topeka. So let’s celebrate with food, games, prices, and best of all, like-minded Democrats ready to take 2024 by storm! You’ll even have the chance to mingle with both elected officials and candidates. 

Our THEME is “Put in Drive,” so come in with your car racing themed attire. Feel free to get competitive; prizes will go to the best themed outfit.

But wait, there’s more! 

Flip it Blue is fun for the whole family. We’ve got balloons and cotton candy and a fabulous playground right next to the pavilion. 

Tickets are $35 for members, $40 for nonmembers, but more is always welcome. 

We need your help to make Flip it Blue a success!


The Raffle and the Silent Auction are fan favorites every year, and they only work because people like you donate fabulous items! Here’s what we need:

For the Silent Auction – items valued at $100 or more (to be auctioned to the highest bidder).

For the Raffle – items valued between $25 and $50 


📣SHOUT OUT to Colleen Cunningham with
Mom’s Demand Action!

A big THANK YOU to Colleen Cunningham for coming to our last meeting and updating us on the organization’s wins and losses for the past year.  Since we all know that the #1 killer of kids is guns, the discussion centered on kids, guns, and locking up those guns so children do not die.  Having the conversation with the parents of your kids’ friends is hard, but it’s harder accepting a child’s death, so let’s normalize making this ask.

Group of canvassers posing for a photo


Connecting new volunteers with experienced canvassers

helps to create social connections and cohesion in our organization. 

Everyone should attend the canvassing training – at least to know how we are talking to residents of JOCO and maybe to refine how you approach your friends and relatives as well.  

Our experienced canvassers have had a wide variety of training, and some have never had formal training. We now have a JoCo Dem Data Team that can utilize the data we collect at the door. If we want to collect valid and reliable data, we need to standardize our data collection methods across Senate Districts.   Canvass Training Dates:

Saturday, July 6th, 2-4 PM – Central Resource Library, Carmack Room

Sign Up Here


Johnson County Democratic Party SOCIALS!!

Don’t forget to mark your calendars and get involved with the JOCO Democrats.

It’s where all the cool JOCO peeps come to mingle 

We are the one’s we have been waiting for. 

JCDW Calendar < – Link to the JCDW Calendar so you will be up to date on all the Events 

About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women
Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

All $$ Goes to Democrats running in Johnson County

JCDW South

Act Blue Link

JCDW North

Act Blue Link

Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!

We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South

We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.

North Monthly Meeting

JCDW North Socials at The Bar in PV

Thursday June 6, 2024

We’re having a SOCIAL at The Bar 5316 W 95th Street, Prairie Village, KS 66207 where we’ll be joined by our other DA Candidate, Zach Thomas, & Senate District 10 Candidate, Andrew Mall.

Come, drink, dine, and socialize with other like-minded Dems.  Help us plan our path to win ALL THE RACES. 🍻

Candidates are welcome to bring materials to display/hand out.  

Each person will order and pay for their own meal and drinks.

South Monthly Meeting

Thursday June 20, 2024

Come at 6:00 pm to socialize or at 6:30 pm for the meeting. 

Location: Black Bear Diner (11981 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062) 

June is gun safety month. On June 20, help us welcome Colleen Cunningham from Mom’s Demand Action who will discuss gun safety and advocacy.  We’ll also hear about Locks for Love (supported by Grandparents Against Gun Violence).  

Candidates will get 2 minutes to speak to friendlies and are welcome to bring materials to display or for hand out. 

We are also having a GUN SAFETY rally at Olathe’s Fourth Friday, so we will share Locks for Love on June 28th from 5:30-7:30 in front of the Johnson County Courthouse. 

Flip it Blue!

Flip it Blue is Back!

When: Sunday, July 21st from 4-8 PM

Where: Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park and West 87th Street Parkway, Lackman Rd, Lenexa, KS 66215

Get Tickets Now

Come celebrate freedom with us at our annual Flip It Blue event, JCDW South’s biggest annual fundraiser! The money raised at this event will go directly to state and local Democratic candidates. 

This is the year we BREAK the supermajority in Topeka. So let’s celebrate with food, games, prices, and best of all, like-minded Democrats ready to take 2024 by storm! You’ll even have the chance to mingle with both elected officials and candidates. 

Our THEME is “Put in Drive,” so come in with your car racing themed attire. Feel free to get competitive; prizes will go to the best themed outfit.

But wait, there’s more! 

Flip it Blue is fun for the whole family. We’ve got balloons and cotton candy and a fabulous playground right next to the pavilion. 

Tickets are $35 for members, $40 for nonmembers, but more is always welcome. 

Early Bird Special: Early ticket sales help a ton when the caterer (this year, a food truck), asks for a head count. So, we’re offering 2 free raffle tickets for each Flip It Blue ticket purchased by Friday, June 30th. 

We need your help to make Flip it Blue a success!


The Raffle and the Silent Auction are fan favorites every year, and they only work because people like you donate fabulous items! Here’s what we need:

For the Silent Auction – items valued at $100 or more (to be auctioned to the highest bidder).

For the Raffle – items valued between $25 and $50 

Attention All Candidates!

Both JCDW North and South endorse Democrats running for state, county, and local offices who meet our endorsement criteria.  You must be a member to apply for contributions.  Cost is only $40 per year and must be paid out of your personal account.  We endorse annually in August, after the primary. 
North — generally within the I-435 loop
JCDW North Membership  OR JCDW North Young Dems Membership 
South — generally outside of the I-435 loop JCDW South Membership OR JCDW South Young Dems Membership

*The Young Dems discount is exclusive to members of Johnson County Young Democrats

📣SHOUT OUT to the VoterNetwork and Maryam Abid!

The Voter Network is dedicated to creating a culture of informed, enthusiastic Kansas voters. Relationship Canvassing is the art of asking your neighbors and friends (relationship) to register, making sure they are informed and vote. Friends asking friends increases turnout in every instance – for those who don’t typically vote – it’s an increase over 25%


Group of canvassers posing for a photo


Connecting new volunteers with experienced canvassers

helps to create social connections and cohesion in our organization. 

Everyone should attend the canvassing training – at least to know how we are talking to residents of JOCO and maybe to refine how you approach your friends and relatives as well.  

Our experienced canvassers have had a wide variety of training, and some have never had formal training. We now have a JoCo Dem Data Team that can utilize the data we collect at the door. If we want to collect valid and reliable data, we need to standardize our data collection methods across Senate Districts.   Canvass Training Dates:

Saturday, June 15th, 2-4 PM – JOCO Dems Office

Saturday, July 6th, 2-4 PM – Central Resource Library, Carmack Room

Sign Up Here



Music Bingo for a Cause – Johnson County Pride event

Wednesday June 5th, 7-9 PM
Servaes Brewing Co. 10921 Johnson Dr, Shawnee, KS 66203




 JOCO Wear Orange Event- Moms Demand Action

Saturday, June 8th, 9AM
Harmon Park W 77TH PL & DELMAR St Prairie Village, KS 66208


Johnson County Democratic Party SOCIALS!!

Don’t forget to mark your calendars and get involved with the JOCO Democrats.

It’s where all the cool JOCO peeps come to mingle 

We are the one’s we have been waiting for. 

JCDW Calendar < – Link to the JCDW Calendar so you will be up to date on all the Events 

About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women
Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

All $$ Goes to Democrats running in Johnson County

JCDW South

Act Blue Link

JCDW North

Act Blue Link

Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!

We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South

We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.

North Monthly Meeting

JCDW North Socials at The Bar in PV

Thursday May 2, 2024

We’re having a SOCIAL at The Bar 6101 Johnson Dr, Mission, KS 66202.  Join us to make Johnson County a better place to live.  >> THIS IS A CHANGE FROM OUR USUAL PLACE. WE ARE MEETING IN MISSION.


Come, drink and dine, and socialize with other like-minded Dems.  Help us plan our path to win ALL THE RACES. 🍻

Candidates are welcome to bring materials for display/hand outs.  

Each person will order and pay for their own meal and drinks.

South Monthly Meeting

Thursday May 16, 2024

Come at 6:00pm to socialize or at 6:30pm for the meeting. 

Join us at Black Bear Diner at 11981 South Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062

Let’s talk about VOTING!

The Voter Network will join us to give us an update on voting in Kansas, laws  on the books and proposed, and how we can successfully register voters using! 

Candidates are welcome to bring materials and will have 2 minutes to speak and polish their Elevator speech in front of friendlies. 😀


Want to get involved right now in the election?  There are several opportunities now and in the future to write postcards.  Currently Nikki McDonald and  Johnson County Move On have postcard writing.   

Nikki McDonald has a meeting slated at the Johnson County Democrats Office from 6-8 pm on Friday, May 10th and will provide postcards and message as well as snacks and drinks.  To sign up with Nikki McDonald click here

JOCO Move On
is sending you names and addresses and you purchase the postcards.  To sign up to participate send an email to Al Frisby at

NOTE:  Purchase post card stamps at Remember to do this prior to the postage increase in July!  ($0.68 to $0.73)Purchase postcards at Amazon, both blank and with “vote” images.



Need Silent Auction/Donation items

for Flip it Blue in July. 

Values from $15-$500 welcome!


Contact Juliet Sinclair or CassieWoolworth


Flip it Blue is Back!


Get your tickets for Flip it Blue,

our grand fundraiser!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

4-8pm at Sar-Ko-Par Park in Lenexa

               *Early-bird special includes two Silent-Auction tickets


📣SHOUT OUT to Rita Carr at the CoC!

A very special thank you to Rita Carr with the Continum of Care (CoC) for coming out and telling us all about how Johnson County is helping out the homeless by connecting them to resources.  It was great to hear about the good planned for our community – a lively discussion with lots of great questions! Julie K. Brewer, our own candidate for JOCO County Commissioner, Seat 3, is the previous CEO of CoC!

Many thanks to all who came (almost 30 people) – it was great to hear from all the candidates! 

We are the ones we have been waiting for!


Group of canvassers posing for a photo


Connecting new volunteers with experienced canvassers

helps to create social connections and cohesion in our organization. 

Everyone should attend the canvassing training – at least to know how we are talking to residents of JOCO and maybe to refine how you approach your friends and relatives as well.  


Our experienced canvassers have had a wide variety of training, and some have never had formal training. We now have a JoCo Dem Data Team that can utilize the data we collect at the door. If we want to collect valid and reliable data, we need to standardize our data collection methods across Senate Districts.  

 Sat, 5/11, 2-4pm

The location for all sessions will be the Carmack Room at the Central Resource Library on 87th. 

Sign Up Here:


Don’t forget to mark your calendars and get involved with the JOCO Democrats.


It’s where all the cool JOCO peeps come to mingle !


2024 Election Funds – JOIN US!!!

Both JCDW North and South endorse Democrats running for state, county, and local offices who meet our endorsement criteria.  You must be a member to apply for contributions.  Cost is only $40 per year and must be paid out of your personal account.  All our fundraising is spent that August after the primary (please give generously😉).

North — generally within the I-435 loop JCDW North Membership
North Young Dems Membership

South — generally outside of the I-435 loop JCDW South Membership 
– South Young Dems Membership


Wed, May 1st , Time TBD  – Mel Pinick’s launch party @ BB’s

Sat, Jul 27th, 9-10:30 am – Pancakes on the Prairie @ Lone Elm Park



JCDW Calendar < – Link to the JCDW Calendar so you will be up to date on all the Events 

About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women
Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

All donations are distributed THIS YEAR!!

JCDW South

Act Blue Link

JCDW North

Act Blue Link


We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South

We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.

North Monthly Meeting

JCDW North Socials at The Bar in PV

Thursday April 4, 2024

We’re having a SOCIAL at The Bar 5316 W 95th Street, Prairie Village, KS 66207 & will be joined by Vanessa Riebli, who is running for Johnson County District Attorney. Please join us to meet this Democrat working to make Johnson County a better place to live. 

Come, drink and dine, and socialize with other like-minded Dems.  Help us plan our path to win ALL THE RACES. 🍻

Candidates are welcome to bring materials for display/hand outs.  

Each person will order and pay for their own meal and drinks.

South Monthly Meeting

Thursday April 18, 2024

Come at 6:00pm to socialize or at 6:30pm for the meeting. 

Join us at Black Bear Diner (11981 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, KS 66062) 

Our speaker is Rita Carr, Director of Community Planning for JOCO Continuum of Care (CoC).  A community collaboration that seeks to improve the community’s response to poverty and homelessness.  The CoC is made up of both private and public organizations and agencies who either serve those who are currently homeless or those who are most at risk.

Candidates are welcome to bring materials and will have 2 minutes to speak and polish their Elevator speech in front of friendlies. 😀

In Paola on the square, inside – should be a BLAST!
Hope to see you there!!!

Flip it Blue is Back!

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for:


Flip it Blue, our grand fundraiser!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

4-8pm at Sar-Ko-Par Park in Lenexa



Want to get involved right now in the election?  We need you to write postcards!  

Johnson County Move On is organizing a post card writing campaign.  They have “adopted” several races in Johnson County to support in various ways.  At the moment they are writing to new Democrats in Senate 10, who were moved there in the redistricting in 2022 to let them know that Andrew Mall is running to represent them.  

You need to purchase post cards and stamps.  Al Frisby will send you a list of about 30 names to address and talking points to write in the body.  Email Al at
Purchase post card stamps at
Amazon has post cards for sale, both blank and with “vote” images

We are the one’s we have been waiting for. 


Group of canvassers posing for a photo


Connecting new volunteers with experienced canvassers

helps to create social connections and cohesion in our organization. 

Everyone should attend the canvassing training – at least to know how we are talking to residents of JOCO and maybe to refine how you approach your friends and relatives as well.  


Our experienced canvassers have had a wide variety of training, and some have never had formal training. We now have a JoCo Dem Data Team that can utilize the data we collect at the door. If we want to collect valid and reliable data, we need to standardize our data collection methods across Senate Districts.   Canvass Training Dates:

Wed, 4/24, 6-8pm   Sun, 4/28, 2-4pm   Sat, 5/11, 2-4pm

The location for all 3 sessions will be the Carmack Room at the Central Resource Library on 87th. 

Sign Up Here:


Don’t forget to mark your calendars and get involved with the JOCO Democrats.


It’s where all the cool JOCO peeps come to mingle
📣SHOUT OUT to Karla Perez-Soloranzo with Heroic Healers!
Karla discussed giving back to our healthcare hero’s allowing them to heal, renew, and revive.  Thank you for showing us that tapping out for a day or weekend really does reinvigorate.

2024 Election Funds – JOIN US!!!

Both JCDW North and South endorse Democrats running for state, county, and local offices who meet our endorsement criteria.  You must be a member to apply for contributions.  Cost is only $40 per year and must be paid out of your personal account.  All our fundraising is spent that August after the primary (please give generously😉).
North — generally within the I-435 loop
JCDW North Membership
North Young Dems Membership
South — generally outside of the I-435 loop JCDW South Membership 
– South Young Dems Membership

JCDW Calendar < – Link to the JCDW Calendar so you will be up to date on all the Events 


Save the Dates:
Wed, May 1st , Time TBD  – Mel Pinick’s launch party @ BB’s

Sat, Jul 27th, 9-10:30 am – Pancakes on the Prairie @ Lone Elm Park


Or check out the bottom of the home page for other JCDW related events!  HERE

Winners! Young Dems 4 EVA!

Winners!Young Dems 4 EVA!



Visit the Hot, Hot Hot Trivia Trophy at the JOCO Dems office on 75th street.


About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women
Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

All $$ is distributed THIS YEAR!!

JCDW South

Act Blue Link

JCDW North

Act Blue Link

Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!