We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South

We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.

North ZOOM Meeting

Thursday November 4,  2021

Come at 6:00 to socialize or at 6:30 to hear from our speaker.

Zoom link

Special Guest: Sherri Grogan

Sherri Grogan is active in the Kansas Democratic Party and has served as Chairwoman for Leavenworth County Democrats and 2nd Congressional District. She currently serves as Core Team Lead for the KDP’s leadership program, a partnership with Kansas Leadership Center. Sherri is also President of Rural Leavenworth, Inc., an organization focused on property rights and land use; a member of the Kansas Silver Haired Legislature and League of Women Voters. Sherri comes to us as a private citizen with expertise and is not representing any organization.

South ZOOM Meeting

Thursday November 18,  2021

Hybrid Meeting

Either join us in person at the JoCo Dems office (8971 W 75th St, Overland Park, KS 66204) or on Zoom.

Zoom link 

Come at 6:00 to socialize or at 6:30 for the meeting.

Special Guest: Alana Cloutier

Alana Cloutier is originally from Northern California but now lives in small town Humboldt, KS. Her husband Paul is a native Kansan, and they moved from Oakland, CA to Southeast Kansas in 2017 to help start a non-profit after kind of freaking out after the 2016 election. (Didn’t we all?!) Currently they are restoring buildings and opening a bar and a bookstore, as the town currently has neither. Alana is a precinct person, the Allen County Democratic Party Vice Chair, and the Chair of the Second Congressional District.

Game Night — Mark Your Calendars!

JCDW South will be hosting an online game night Saturday, January 29th from 7-9 PM. We’ll be playing Jack Box and Cards Against Humanity (18+) and, if history is any indication, laughing until our sides hurt! The event is, in part, a fundraiser, a way to support the 2022 midterm races, so “tickets” will cost a minimum donation of $20 per person — or minimum $15 for JCDW members. 

Mark your calendars and watch for an e-mail next month with your official invitation to Game Night, along with a donation link. In the meantime, make sure you’re a member in order to receive updates and member benefits: 

Join or Renew Membership

Note: The link above will take you to the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, our parent organization, which handles statewide membership. If you are already a member, you will be asked to renew. New members will have to answer a series of questions, then choose a chapter to join; membership in either North or South entitles you to member benefits and discounts. 


If you’re looking for a fun way to support our organizations, check out our merchandise, available NOW at the JoCo Dems office at 8971 W 75th St, Overland Park, KS 66204.

JCDW South is selling t-shirts for $15 each celebrating the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote. 

JCDW North is selling yard signs for $10 each thanking Governor Kelly for her excellent leadership during the pandemic. 








JCDW South Board Elections

JCDW South will be holding its annual board election on January 20. Each year, half the board is up for election (or re-election), and the winners will serve a two-year term. In even years (such as 2022), we will vote for a Vice President of Programming, Vice President of Membership, and a Treasurer. 

Any Active Member may vote or nominate someone for the board. Nominees must also be Active Members. An Active Member Identifies as a female, Is registered as a Democrat, and Is current with annual dues. Nominations may be made from the floor and require a second.

Join or Renew Membership

Current nominees for January 2022 are:

For Vice President of Programming: Allison Hougland 

For Vice President of Membership: Kat Hooley-Lickteig (she/her)

For Treasurer: Carol Shimeall

If anyone would like to put forward another name, please contact us at jcdwsouth@gmail.com. 

Forever the Free State Gala


This year, the Johnson County Democratic Party will be hosting its annual fundraiser, Forever the Free State, online on Saturday, November 6th. Representative Davids and her special guest Representative Colin Allred will be there to share insights and inspiration. 

Forever the Free State is the primary fundraiser for the Johnson County Democratic Party, and we need your help to make it a success. Next year, in 2022, we will be re-electing Congresswoman Davids and Governor Laura Kelly, as well as working to fill more seats in the Kansas House with Democrats. 

We hope to see you there! 


JCDW North October Meeting Recap

In case you missed it, here is the power point from Planned Parenthood: 

Johnson County Democratic Women, 10.7.21

JCDW South October Meeting Recap

Sharon Rodriguez has been photographing the homelessness of Johnson County since 2016 in order to share their stories and to awaken us to the truth that there are homeless people in our wealthy county. She has two books available for purchase, which you can get by emailing her. You can also find her on social media here: 

FB: Sharon Rodriguez Photography
Website: www.sharonrodriguezphotography.com



About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the  Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women


Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

Donate Today!

JCDW South


Act Blue Link

JCDW North


Act Blue Link

Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!