We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South
We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.
North Monthly Meeting
Thursday November 2, 2023
Our meeting will be November 2. We gather at 6:00 and meeting starts at 6:30. We meet in person at the Democratic Office with a Zoom option.
South Monthly Meeting
Thursday November 16, 2023
Come at 6:00pm to socialize or at 6:30pm for the meeting.
Alliance for a Healthy Kansas
The Alliance for a Healthy Kansas’s primary policy goal is to ensure accessible and affordable health insurance to all Kansans, primarily through the expansion of our state’s Medicaid program, KanCare. We represent a coalition of more than 130 organizations and community leaders who support the Alliance’s values and efforts to expand KanCare through involvement with Alliance meetings, activities and outreach efforts.
Lacey Kennett is the Director of Communications for the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, a nonprofit, non- partisan advocacy organization that works to ensure accessible and affordable health insurance for all Kansans, primarily through the expansion of the state’s Medicaid program, KanCare. Prior to her work at the Alliance, she spent more than ten years as an employee with the State of Kansas. Most recently she spent nearly three years at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment working in emergency preparedness and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Before that she spent nine years at the Kansas Insurance Department doing public affairs, consumer assistance, and working as the executive assistant to the commissioner. She has a Master of Arts in Communication Studies from the University of Kansas and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communication from Emporia State University. In her spare time, she is an avid seamstress, bagmaker, and reader.
Save the Date!
Game Night is back!
We’re back at SMUUCH for Game Night!
Punxsutawney Phil saw… an election is coming!
Get your tickets
Also don’t forget to mark down Flip it Blue for our grand fundraiser!
Sunday, July 21, 2024
4-8pm at Sar-Ko-Par Park in Lenexa
Answers to Some Common Membership Questions
Here are some clarifications to some common membership questions.
Why are there two Chapters (North and South) in Johnson County?
Because of the large geographical area in Johnson County, it is more convenient for those who reside nearer to the North or South groups to attend a meeting without driving as far. Generally, 435 is the dividing line between the two chapters although anyone can be a member of either group. All members may attend or participate via Zoom, when that format is available, for either or both meetings. Attending meetings is a great way to hear from candidates for county or local offices. The Chapters’ lecture speakers are excellent and informative as well.
Can members affiliated with North or South attend and vote in either or both groups?
How does the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women fit into the Johnson County Democratic Women’s Chapters?
The state organization is an umbrella organization for the various county chapter organizations and assists with administrative coordination for the county’s chapters such as processing credit card dues and keeping track of county member status. The KFDW publishes an online newsletter quarterly and does various educational functions for all of the counties’ chapters. They also may endorse candidates running for state-level
Are all of the meetings available on Zoom?
No. Please check each month’s newsletter to see which are available by Zoom and which are in person only.
May I join or renew my membership by credit card or check?
Yes. Our state umbrella organization, Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, is the vehicle through which credit card dues are processed and directly deposited into the selected Chapter’s account for county or local candidate donations. The KFDW or the county chapter may send out a renewal request when dues are nearing the expiration date, just under one year from whenever the member joins. For new members, a chapter must be selected for donations/dues from that chapter to benefit candidates selected and endorsed by that specific county chapter.
How do I pay dues via credit card?
Click or copy and paste the following link: https://www.kfdw.org
On the KFDW home page, click “chapters” for a drop-down menu of chapters’ names.
Choose Johnson County North or Johnson County South, then click to select.
Member sign-up and renewal page pops up. If renewing, then click on renewal and follow the steps. Please make sure that your email address is current and correct.
If new member, then choose the type of membership:
Regular- for those identifying as female and over 35 years of age
Associate-for those identifying as male
Student or Young Democrat-for those 35 or younger or students of any
At-large does not apply in most cases and dues may go to KFDW
instead of the selected county chapter.
If paying dues by check, to whom should new or renewing members make their checks payable?
Please make, either Johnson County Democratic Women North or South, the payee. Joyce Hughes (21707 W 62nd St, Shawnee, KS 66218) is the present Treasurer for the North group. She can receive and process membership payments for North. Carol Shimeall (17705 W 155th Ter., Olathe, KS 66062) is the treasurer for JCDW South.
What should I do if the state organization sends a billing request?
You may pay through the KFDW website with your credit card OR you can contact the treasurer of your chapter and pay dues to the Chapter. If the automated dues membership renewal notice is in error, please let the chapter treasurer or other officer know.
Let’s help elect Democrats!
JCDW Calendar
Make sure to check out the JCDW calendar at the bottom of the home page for other JCDW related events!
Visit the home page HERE!
About Us
Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women.
Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County.
Donate Today!
Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!