We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South

We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.

North ZOOM Meeting

Thursday January 5,  2023

Come at 6:00 to socialize or at 6:30 for the meeting.

This meeting is hybrid. Either join us at the JoCo Dems office or on Zoom.

Special Guest:: County Commissioner Becky Fast on housing and mental health

Becky is our newly re-elected Johnson County Commissioner, ready to serve her second four -year term.

Becky has experience as an elementary school teacher and graduate instructor at Washburn University. She earned master’s degrees in public administration and social work, and continued her career as a public policy analyst regarding services to older adults and persons with disabilities. She has worked with families and veterans as a mental health provider. She was director of constituent services for Congressman Dennis Moore. She has served on the Roeland Park City Council, and as City Council president. She has been involved in the community in many ways, continues now as county commissioner, and will speak about housing and mental health.

South ZOOM Meeting

Thursday January 19,  2023

Come at 6:00 to socialize or at 6:30 for the meeting.

This meeting is hybrid. Either join us at Minsky’s on Ridgeview or on Zoom.
Special Guest: Jeanna Repass

“My mother was a civil rights activist turned Lutheran minister, and my father is a Viet Nam veteran and retired law enforcement officer – they taught me that our freedom is worth fighting for. “In Kansas, we believe in the right to make decisions for ourselves. We believe in American Democracy – one person, one vote. Your vote is your voice, and our voice must be heard.”


Annual Board Elections

On January 19, JCDW South will host our annual membership meeting, which includes elections for half of our board positions. This year, we will be holding elections for President, VP of Communications, VP of Fundraising, and Secretary. 

Any member in good standing who identifies as female may run for one of these positions. If you want to run, or know someone who does, you have two options:

  1. E-mail jcdwsouth@gmail.com
  2. You may nominate from the floor on the day of the election (this requires a second).

Current nominations are:

  • President: Cassie Woolworth
  • VP of Fundraising: Juliet Sinclair
  • VP of Communication: OPEN SEAT
  • Secretary: Tiff White

Congratulations and Fond Farewell

Men and women across Johnson County fought hard to win seats in the Kansas House of Representatives. They didn’t all win, but they all deserve a huge THANK YOU for all their hard work and dedication. These are the people who keep democracy alive now and for future generations. 

Among those who won their seats was our very own Allison Hougland, previously the Vice President of Programming for JCDW South and now Representative Hougland of the 15th District (in the heart of Olathe). We will miss her, but we are grateful to know that she will be serving our interests in Topeka beginning in January.

Our new Vice President of Programming will be Laura Wiltanger, who was appointed unanimously by the board. 

A Changing of the Guard


by: Christine Morgan


This will be my last newsletter as VP of Communications for JCDW South. For three years, I have produced them faithfully each month, but when my term ends in January, I will step aside.

These past three years have been some of the best of my life. Working alongside dedicated, passionate, intelligent women, I have made a difference for people living here in Kansas. We have helped dozens of Democrats get elected to state and local office, sewing the seeds or progress for generations to come. We turned out volunteers to help elect and re-elect Sharice Davids and Laura Kelly. And when they came for our reproductive freedom, we told them NO!

When I started this role, I had little political experience and no leadership experience. Yet I came in with a passion, a drive to do more than sit at home and watch the world burn. At the very least, I thought to myself, we could each grab a bucket! Or, if you’re with me, if you’re ready to take a leap, you could do more. 

At its heart, JCDW South is a PAC, our primary purpose to raise money for candidates running for state and local office. At the same time, we are committed to helping women develop leadership experience, to offer them training and support that could take them anywhere they’d like to go.

This past election season, I had the privilege to work as a paid campaign manager for Allison Hougland, Olathe’s newest representative from the 15th House District — and a fellow member of the JCDW South board. 

In 2023, I need a break, a chance to recharge and reset by dedicating myself to my first love, writing under the pseudonym Christine Amsden. It has been a couple of years since I managed to complete a novel, but political work has left me with plenty of inspiration. After that, we’ll see what happens. Seasonal political work has a certain appeal for someone in a creative field; like rotating crops, each endeavor can nourish the other. 

Now, it’s your turn. Your story won’t be quite like mine, but as with any changing of the guard, that is entirely the point. JCDW South needs a new VP of Communication, someone with fresh energy and ideas, someone to take the position in directions I never considered. You don’t need political experience to change the world, only the will to take a stand. 

Game Night: Save the Date!!!!

2023 JCDW South Game Night - LIVE AND IN PERSON at SMUUCH

November Joint Meeting Recap


We had a wonderful November meeting with Veronica’s Voice, an organization that assists with getting people out of trafficking.  Kristy Childs spoke to us about the process of assisting the women, girls and boys with education, housing, employment, self-worth, and budgeting as well as so much more.  The organization just purchased a location in KC that will be a location for the assisted to stay and get skills, counselling, tutoring as well as emotional support they so desperately need. If you are looking for a christmas gift, the women make the products they sell.  Go to www.VeronicasVoice.org to help out and get wonderful lotion, hand sanitizer, bath bombs, lip balm and other products. 
Volunteer Celebration 
After the meeting, we rolled right into a VOLUNTEER CELEBRATION brought to us by Cindy Holscher, Sharice Davids, Heather Meyer, Ethan Corson among others!  Sharice was unable to attend but sent a Video that started the celebration and thanked all the candidates, volunteers, voters and Kansans for their support and mentioned continuing the momentum into the next year.  Cindy Hoilscher let us know that next year’s elections encompass’ School Boards – and that Shawnee Mission, Blue Valley and Olathe will have 4 POSITIONS EACH!  Ethan then started the Awards Ceremony!  Volunteer recognition for the outstanding volunteers, recognition of exceptional outreach and promotion and wonderful efforts by candidates.  The Daiquiris were incredible and the food was so amazing we may need to hold more meetings at KC Daiquiri and Bistreaux.
Thank you all for a Fantastic Year.  Take the holidays and get your strength back – we have MUCH to do next year.


About Us

Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the  Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women


Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County. 

Donate Today!

JCDW South


Act Blue Link

JCDW North


Act Blue Link

Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!