We are the Johnson County Democratic Women, North and South
We are sister organizations, working together to engage women in politics and help get Democrats in Johnson County elected.
North Monthly Meeting
Thursday May 4, 2023
Come at 6:00 to socialize or at 6:30 for the meeting.
Join us at the JoCo Dems office.
Jennifer Brown is a retired veterinarian and mother of two in Prairie Village, KS. She has been lobbying Congress on the climate and a member of Citizens’ Climate Lobby since 2011, and has been leading the KCKS CCL group since 2017. She will talk to us about Citizens’ Climate Lobby in general and specific bills they have helped pass in Congress, and bills they are working on.
South ZOOM Meeting
Thursday May 18 , 2023
Come at 6:00 to socialize or at 6:30 for the meeting.

I’m grateful for KFDW and for CD3 electing me, Director. I could not be prouder of what we accomplished last year. Yes, some losses, but even then, we moved the needle. I’m looking forward to carrying the torch to ignite a majority Democratic Senate and House with inclusivity and diversity. – Cassie
Kansas Federation of Democratic Women Annual Convention
Special thank you to Meg Schimmels, who did a phenomenal job with the silent auction!
The new KFDW CD3 Executive Board includes: Cassie Woolworth, District Director; Becca Peck, Vice Director; Kat Hooley-Lickteig, Secretary; and Carol Shimeall, Treasurer
UPDATE: Donkey Derby Fundraiser
Unfortunately, the Donkey Derby Fundraiser has been cancelled.
Please join us at Flip It Blue in July for our next fundraiser!
Flip it Blue Annual Fundraiser
Flip it Blue is BACK at Sar-Ko-Par Park!
Join us for a family friendly fundraiser!
July 15, 2023 from 4-8pm at Sar-Ko-Par
Purchase your tickets here!
About Us
Johnson County Democratic Women North and South are part of the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women, which is part of the National Federation of Democratic Women.
Our mission is to empower women to run for office and to support the election of like-minded Democrats to state and local office. We do this through education and training, but especially through donations to qualified candidates. Your financial donation to either of our organizations will go directly to Democratic candidates running in Johnson County.
Donate Today!
Check out the Johnson County Democratic Party Event Calendar for more ways to get involved this month!